Club Name/Club ID/State:Insert Club Name, Club ID and State Federation.
Club Presidents: Please complete this Excel spreadsheet and email it to your State President no later than
June 1, 2019. By emailing this form, you are certifying that the information contained in it is correct.
State Presidents: You must email this form to the NFRW Achievement Awards Committee Member assigned to
your state no later than June 30, 2019. In your email, you should certify that the information is correct and
list each club and the award for which they are qualified. You must forward the spreadhseets with your email.
Questions may be addressed to the Chair - Linda K. Smith - 785-822-5332 or [email protected].
Clubs will be recognized during eh 40th Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 26-29, 2019.
This is the Achievement Awards Official Report Form for the time period January 1, 2018 through
December 31, 2019. Although some programs or activities may occur after the June 1, 2019, awards form
submission deadline, credit will be given for programs scheduled through the end of December 2019. Programs
and activities can be checked off as your club completed them. Additional activities and bonus points have been
added to this worksheet to give the opportunity for large and small clubs to achieve a higher level of
recognition. Be sure to check the criteria for each item as criteria has changed for this biennium.
The Achievement Awards are designed to enhance teamwork among members of each club. Using the
Achievement Awards worksheet as a guide for planning club activities will produce a well-balanced club
program. It establishes standards of performance for club functions, membership development, program,
leadership developmet, campaign activities and community relations.
There are four levels of achievement:Bronze Award (130-154 points)
Silver Award (155-174 points)
Gold Award (175-199 points)
Diamond Award (greater than 200 points)
The Excel spreadsheet will total all points earned in each of the program six categories to tabulate your level
of achievement.
Only clubs that have paid their annual service charge and full membershiop per-capita dues for both 2018 and 2019
are considered eligible for the Achievement Awards, unless chartered late in 2018 or in 2019. Women club
members are considered in good standing if they have paid their 2019 dues to NFRW through their club.
Please remember that this is a two-year program. Check the criteria on whether activities need to be completed
in one or both years of the biennium.
State Presidents: Please review the spreadsheets from each club and send an email to your assigned
Achievement Awards Committee member listed below. The email should list the club and the award they are
qualified to receive. The email serves as your certification for the awards. The email must be received by
your assigned Achievement Award Committee Member no later than June 30, 2019.
Betty Heitman & Region 9 Region 1- ID, NV, OR, UT, WY
Linda K. Smith (Chair) Maxine Bennett
(785) 822-5332 (559) 289-5806
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 2 - AZ, CA, CO, NM, WA Region 3 - AK, HI, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD
Angie Stiffler Joyce Grant
(816) 916-8442 (570) 297-1394
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 4 - IL, IA, MN, MO, OK, WI Region 5 - AL, AR, LA, MS, TX
Carol Rogers Barb McMullen
(859) 227-2850 (480) 948-4252
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 6 - FL, GA, NC, SC, TN Region 7 - DE, DC, PA, PR, WV
Sue Lynch, Shirley Huss
(608) 792-5131 (308) 627-7283
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 8 - IN, KY, MI, NJ, OH, VA
Marilyn Harris
(970) 749-4499
[email protected]
Region 9 - CT, ME, MD, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT
Linda K. Smith
(785) 822-5332
[email protected]
Club Name/Club ID/State:Insert Club Name, Club ID and State Federation.
Club Presidents: Please complete this Excel spreadsheet and email it to your State President no later than
June 1, 2019. By emailing this form, you are certifying that the information contained in it is correct.
State Presidents: You must email this form to the NFRW Achievement Awards Committee Member assigned to
your state no later than June 30, 2019. In your email, you should certify that the information is correct and
list each club and the award for which they are qualified. You must forward the spreadhseets with your email.
Questions may be addressed to the Chair - Linda K. Smith - 785-822-5332 or [email protected].
Clubs will be recognized during eh 40th Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 26-29, 2019.
This is the Achievement Awards Official Report Form for the time period January 1, 2018 through
December 31, 2019. Although some programs or activities may occur after the June 1, 2019, awards form
submission deadline, credit will be given for programs scheduled through the end of December 2019. Programs
and activities can be checked off as your club completed them. Additional activities and bonus points have been
added to this worksheet to give the opportunity for large and small clubs to achieve a higher level of
recognition. Be sure to check the criteria for each item as criteria has changed for this biennium.
The Achievement Awards are designed to enhance teamwork among members of each club. Using the
Achievement Awards worksheet as a guide for planning club activities will produce a well-balanced club
program. It establishes standards of performance for club functions, membership development, program,
leadership developmet, campaign activities and community relations.
There are four levels of achievement:Bronze Award (130-154 points)
Silver Award (155-174 points)
Gold Award (175-199 points)
Diamond Award (greater than 200 points)
The Excel spreadsheet will total all points earned in each of the program six categories to tabulate your level
of achievement.
Only clubs that have paid their annual service charge and full membershiop per-capita dues for both 2018 and 2019
are considered eligible for the Achievement Awards, unless chartered late in 2018 or in 2019. Women club
members are considered in good standing if they have paid their 2019 dues to NFRW through their club.
Please remember that this is a two-year program. Check the criteria on whether activities need to be completed
in one or both years of the biennium.
State Presidents: Please review the spreadsheets from each club and send an email to your assigned
Achievement Awards Committee member listed below. The email should list the club and the award they are
qualified to receive. The email serves as your certification for the awards. The email must be received by
your assigned Achievement Award Committee Member no later than June 30, 2019.
Betty Heitman & Region 9 Region 1- ID, NV, OR, UT, WY
Linda K. Smith (Chair) Maxine Bennett
(785) 822-5332 (559) 289-5806
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 2 - AZ, CA, CO, NM, WA Region 3 - AK, HI, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD
Angie Stiffler Joyce Grant
(816) 916-8442 (570) 297-1394
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 4 - IL, IA, MN, MO, OK, WI Region 5 - AL, AR, LA, MS, TX
Carol Rogers Barb McMullen
(859) 227-2850 (480) 948-4252
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 6 - FL, GA, NC, SC, TN Region 7 - DE, DC, PA, PR, WV
Sue Lynch, Shirley Huss
(608) 792-5131 (308) 627-7283
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 8 - IN, KY, MI, NJ, OH, VA
Marilyn Harris
(970) 749-4499
[email protected]
Region 9 - CT, ME, MD, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT
Linda K. Smith
(785) 822-5332
[email protected]