BainbridgeWe support Camp Malibu, The NAVY Seal Foundation and Adopt an Airman.
Meeting Day: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 11 am to 1 PM. Meeting Location: Wing Point Golf and Country Club, 811 Cherry Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, WA email: [email protected]. Facebook: Cascade![]() We meet for lunch from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Have political/informational speakers,attend GOP party functions,etc. Basically a learning group and a group
to volunteer time promoting candidates running for office. We also send packages to service men and support various local charitable organizations. of care for our nation by younger upcoming leaders in this country.Meeting Day: Third Wed. Sep-May Meeting Location: Snoqualmie Ridge TPC Golf Club, 36005 SE Ridge St. , Snoqualmie, WA. 98065 Central KitsapMeeting Day:
2nd Thursday of each month, September - June 11:30 am Meeting Location: Cloverleaf sports bar and grill 1240 Hollis Street Bremerton, WA 98310 Clark County![]() Established in 1988, the Clark County Republican Women (CCRW) has a significant and historic presence in Clark County. Our purpose is to Engage and Empower Women in Politics. We are guided by the 4C’s: Courage, Commitment, Compassion and Civility. The mission is to promote an informed electorate through political education, to increase the effectiveness of women in the causes of good government through effective political participation and to facilitate cooperation among Republican Women’s Clubs. CCRW fosters loyalty to the Republican Party and strives to promote its ideals, to work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees and to support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee and the Republican State Central Committee. From our website at you may join the organization, sign up for our regular newsletter, volunteer for committees and contact our board. The Clark County Republican Women recently received the award for being the fastest growing Club in Washington State. We currently have 77 members, growing in numbers every month! With each new $35 membership renewal, CCRW remits $15 to the State Federation. At meetings you’ll have the opportunity to donate or bid on silent auction items and participate in our “Trump Bucks” fellowship. All of these extras help us raise money so that we can give back in our community and also help elect Republicans. Please join us for our bi-monthly no-host dinners at Club Green Meadows, 7703 NE 72nd Dr., Vancouver, WA 98661. Register and pre-pay online. In addition to our bi-monthly dinners, we host events such as our annual summer potluck picnic, members’ Christmas dinner and a campaign school. Each year our Club chooses a local organization as the focus for our donations and volunteering. For example, in the 2018 year our Club chose to support Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center, and the CCRW will match donations up to $500. Meeting Day: Thursdays Bi-Monthly at 6pm Email for specific date. Meeting Location: Club Green Meadows, Vancouver, WA [email protected] Lakewood![]() Lakewood Republican Women is one of the largest clubs in Washington State and just celebrated their 45 anniversary Meets the 3rd Thursday at the Tacoma Golf and Country Club as well having joint meetings with the South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club.
Board Meets the 2nd Friday monthly 10:30 am. Club hosts lunch, Saturday brunch and dinner engagements throughout the year. Please visit Ponderosa![]() Meeting Day:
Second Thursdays each month Meeting Location: Red Lion River Inn, 700 N. Division, Spokane, Wa Ponderosa Republican Women reaches all over Spokane County and beyond. As Republican women and men, we stand together for conservative values. We work at the grassroots level to educate and inform the public and endorse Republican candidates. Join us each month to learn more and make new friends! We meet the 2nd Thursday of every month at 11:30 am for a luncheon program at the Red Lion River Inn, 700 N Division. Cost $20. RSVP to [email protected] Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. SnohomishMeets the second Thursday at 11:30am Shawn O'Donnell's Irish Restaurant & Pub (downstairs banquet room) Everett, WA
Snohomish County Republican Women's Club was organized in September of 1977. Our club is committed to supporting our troops on the ground in combat. Every meeting we collect donations from the club members to purchase needed items and treats for our men and women. Thurston![]() Shown below: some of the TCWRC ladies at one of the annual WFRW Day at the Capitol held each February.
Our organization depends on our volunteers. Our mission is to unite and empower women with an informed voice of influence. We are part of the Washington Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women, the largest and most influential women's political organization in the country. Except for February, July, and December, our monthly luncheons with guest speakers are held at Puerto Vallarta Restaurant, 1400 Galaxy Drive NE, Lacey, WA 98516. Past speakers have included elected officials, candidates, Republican Party officials, political consultants, and special guests who updated us on Community Service opportunities in our area. The no-host luncheons are held at 11:30 am on the second Tuesday of the month. In February, the members of the TCWRC make all the arrangements and coordinate the annual WFRW Day At The Capitol, where more than 100 ladies from across Washington State travel to Olympia to have lunch and meetings with Republican legislators. . In July, the TCWRC meets at a local picnic area for a potluck with candidates and proponents-of and opponents-to issues that will be on the ballot. The December lunch gathering is the Annual Christmas Party. In the past we have enjoyed entertainment, games, and carols. We frequently use this opportunity to donate toys, or other requested items, to groups in the area that need our assistance. The December, 2017 meeting was a special occasion as WFRW President Dee Drewry attended to help us celebrate our 70th Anniversary as a part of the Washington Federation of Republican Women |
Bothell/North KingThe Bothell/North King RW holds luncheon meetings from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. We do not meet in January or February.
Photo: Our Future looks Bright! Meeting Day: 3rd Monday of every month except January and February Meeting Location: Our meeting location is Scott's Bar and Grill, 8115 Lake Ballinger Way, Edmonds, WA 98026. This is across from the "Aurora Village" Costco. President is Beth Daranciang Chelan-Douglas![]() We meet the first Monday of the month at the Red Lion Hotel in Wenatchee. Lunch is $18 and is served at 11:30 am. You can attend without buying lunch for a $7 seating fee. The meeting starts promptly at 12 noon. We strive to have informative speakers that talk about sanctuary cities, water and property rights, election integrity, 2nd amendment and many more current topics.
Each month we choose a local non-profit organization to donate items that they need. Visitors and new members are always welcomed. Meeting Day: First Monday of the month Meeting Location: Red Lion Hotel 1225 N Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Cowlitz County![]() Meeting Day:
2nd Monday @12:00 noon Meeting Location: Izzy's Pizza Bar & Buffet Three Rivers Mall, 1001 Grade St. Kelso WA Grant County![]() The Republican Women of Grant County support Republican candidates. Meeting Day: second Tuesday of the month. Meeting Location: 6:00 pm at Papa's Casino Restaurant, 1165 North Stratford Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837 Lewis County![]() Meeting Day: 4th Thursday Monthly Noon to 1pm Meeting Location: Garden Room at Woodland Estates 1299 Bishop Road, Chehalis.
We have guest speakers at all our luncheons, $10 for lunch or $4.50 sitting fee with coffee or tea. We do not meet in July, August or December. Silverdale-Seabeck![]() Meeting Day:
2nd Monday @ 11:00 am Meeting Location: Cloverleaf Grill (Private Room), 1240 Hollis Street, Bremerton, WA 98310 South WhidbeyYakima![]() Meeting Day:
3rd Thursday of every month at 11:30am Meeting Location: Howard Johnson Plaza (Near the Convention Center) 9 N. 9th St, Yakima WA. 98901 |
Camano IslandThe Camano Island Women's Republican Club located in Camano Island, WA. was founded in 1947 and has been an active and integral part of the community for over 65 years.
The club was founded to advance the best interests of the State and Nation through the agency of the Republican Party and to uphold Republican Principles. Meetings: 12:00 Noon, 4th Tuesday every Month except when otherwise scheduled. Place: Lost Lake Clubhouse, 1469 Lake Dr. Camano Island, WA Clallam CountyClub Description: Our club meets on various days and locations to be engaged with like-minded women, host speakers and to raise funds for scholarships. We support the Clallam County Republican Party.
We have started a monthly "Social Luncheon" at different local restaurants. No agenda, just friendly and fun conversation! We are hoping this may be a good recruiting tool - but if not, we will encourage all to vote! East Pierce County![]() East Pierce RWC will be celebrating 45 years as a club in 2017. We meet at Denny's on South Hill Puyallup have lunch, with a speaker. Our mission is to learn and grow as Republican Women. We work hard to support and elect Republican Candidates. Like our Facebook Page and stay in touch with our club activities
EvergreenMeeting Day: The third Thursday evening of the month at 6:30 pm
Meeting Location: Shawn O'Donnell's Irish Restaurant & Pub (downstairs banquet room) Everett A fun energetic cub doing good things in the community. Jefferson County![]() No information available.
North Whidbey![]() Republican Women of North Whidbey is a diverse group of women who share belief in the principles of the Republican Party. Our objective is to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government and to promote an informed electorate through education. Meeting Day:
11:30 am, Second Thursday of every month except July/August Meeting Location: Oak Harbor Elks Club Oak Harbor, WA Skagit![]() No information available Photo: Skagit Republican Women Summer Picnic with Barbara Bailey Stevens![]() We are a group of ladies wanting to serve our community.
Once a month we try to have public outreach meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Eagles Lodge on Wynn St in addition to our monthly business meetings. Whatcom![]() Monthly Luncheon
First Tuesday of the Month Bellingham Golf & Country Club. 11:30am - 1:00pm |
Disclaimer: Photos used are from Facebook from various events associated with each Club, if this photo or information provided does not represent you club, please send the webmaster a new photo/information to update the website. Thank you!
*Photos were added to each club, unfortunately Weebly is not syncing/displaying them. Thank you!
*Photos were added to each club, unfortunately Weebly is not syncing/displaying them. Thank you!